Child Immunisations, Baby Clinic and Health Visitor

New Baby

Registering your baby

You can register your baby for care at the surgery as soon as they are born.

We are using a new online service called Register with a GP surgery that makes it easy to register with this GP surgery.

Just fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number. 

The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.

6-8 week baby check

This is traditionally named the 6 week check but is performed at 8 weeks to co-incide with baby’s first vaccination appointment.

Please advise our reception team that you are booking your baby in for this reason. This will ensure they book your baby a suitable appointment with the doctor, followed by an appointment with our nurse, who can offer the vaccinations and answer any questions regarding these.

Please remember to bring your baby’s red book to the appointments so that we may record the check and vaccinations. This will have been given to you by your Health Visitor at their initial meeting with you and your new baby.

A digital version is also available at: Nurturey digital NHS red book on the App Store (

Baby and Childhood Vaccinations

For information on the complete NHS vaccination schedule: NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS (

ICON – helping people who care for babies to cope with crying.

please visit Home – ICON Cope for support and advice about baby’s crying. Please always contact the surgery or 111 first should you have any medical concerns or be uncertain about the reason for your baby crying.

Maternal Health

You can request an extra appointment at the time of your baby’s 6 to 8 week check, to have your own healthcheck.

But it can also be done at a separate time if you would like it to be.

  • You’ll be asked how you’re feeling as part of a general discussion about your mental health and wellbeing.
  • You’ll be asked if you still have any vaginal discharge and whether you’ve had a period since the birth.
  • Your blood pressure will be checked if you had problems during pregnancy or immediately after the birth.
  • You may be offered an examination to see if your stitches have healed if you had an episiotomy or caesarean section.
  • If you were due for cervical screening while pregnant, this should be rescheduled for 12 weeks after the birth.
  • You’ll be asked about contraception.

The following link provides helpful information about contraception after having your baby: Contraception After Having a Baby | Patient

As well as speaking to our team and your Health Visitor, the following links may be helpful in the days, weeks and months after your baby is born, if you are feeling down or blue:  Feeling depressed after childbirth – NHS ( and Postnatal depression | Royal College of Psychiatrists (

Your Health Visitor is trained to support you with breast feeding, as can your GP. You may also find the following pages helpful: 

Breastfeeding support from NCT | Baby & toddler, Feeding articles & support | NCT

La Leche League GB – Friendly breastfeeding support from pregnancy onwards

The Breastfeeding Network | Independent Breastfeeding Support

To help you maintain a healthy pelvic floor through exercises: Squeezy on the App Store (

Health Visiting Team

A health visitor is a qualified nurse or midwife who has had extra training. They’re there to help you, your family and your new baby stay healthy.

Your health visitor can visit you at home, or you can see them at your child health clinic, GP surgery or health centre, depending on where they’re based.

Talk to your health visitor if you’re struggling with your mental health. They can give you advice and suggest where to find help.

They may also be able to put you in touch with groups where you can meet other parents.

you can see you Baby clinic and have your baby weighed by booking into one of the following baby clinics.

Mondays Emperors Gate Clinic 


Tuesdays Worlds End Health Clinic


Thursdays St Cuthberts Children’s Centre 09:30-11:00am

To book an appointment parents can make contact using the following methods:


020 8200 2500 select Option 2 for SPA Inner Team.

Monday – Friday 09:00 to 17:00 hours daily.



Please also use the above contact details should you wish to discuss anything with your health visitor. 

Helpful Information

For additional information to support parents:

Home : Healthier Together (

For more information about NHS, Local Authority and other services available for parents and children up to age 18 please visit:

Services and support for parents – NHS (

Health Visitors

Contacting our linked Health Visitor

A health visitor is a qualified nurse or midwife who has had extra training. They’re there to help you, your family and your new baby stay healthy.

Your health visitor can visit you at home, or you can see them at your child health clinic, GP surgery or health centre, depending on where they’re based.

Talk to your health visitor if you’re struggling with your mental health. They can give you advice and suggest where to find help.

They may also be able to put you in touch with groups where you can meet other parents.

You can be seen with your baby at the Baby clinic and have them weighed by booking into one of the following baby clinics.

Please remember to bring your red book when attending baby clinic so that all information can be recorded in one place.

Mondays Emperors Gate Clinic 


Tuesdays Worlds End Health Clinic


Thursdays St Cuthberts Children’s Centre 09:30-11:00am

To book an appointment parents can make contact using the following methods:


020 8200 2500 select Option 2 for SPA Inner Team.

Monday – Friday 09:00 to 17:00 hours daily.



Please also use the above contact details should you wish to discuss anything with your health visitor. 

Kensington and Chelsea Family Information Service (FIS)

 Learn what services are on offer for children, young people and families in your local area 

South Family Hub Children’s Centre Offer

Our centres are warm and friendly places and welcome all resident families with a child  under five.

Our main centres are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Cheyne Children’s Centre is also open once a month on a Saturday.

How to help your unwell child – leaflet for parents and carers of children under 5 years old

This booklet has been designed by a team of experts to help you care for your sick child. It will help you identify when an illness is minor and when it is serious. We recommend treating minor illnesses at home, where your child will be most comfortable.

For more advice and advice in other languages visit the healthier together page:

When should I worry booklet

Having an ill child can be a very scary experience for parents. If you understand more about the illness it can help you to feel more in control. This booklet is for parents (and older children) and deals with common infections in children who are normally healthy. It is not meant for children who have ongoing health problems such as asthma, heart, or kidney problems. You should not rely on the advice in this leaflet for children who are less than 3 months old. Babies younger than this can respond differently to infections. This booklet is not a substitute for medical advice but is a resource we find helpful to guide parents in caring for their children.

It is also available in other languages via this link: When should I worry?

Chicken Pox Vaccination

The Chicken pox vaccine is not currently part of the NHS vaccine schedule and therefore not available at the surgery.  Should  you wish for your child to receive this vaccine please contact a private provider. If your child is scheduled to receive the chicken pox vaccine, please ensure they either received their MMR vaccine from us on the same day or with a 4 week gap.

Mental Health Support for children and young people

Please consult with us regarding any concerns you may have about yourself or your child at any age. For those aged over 11 there are locally commissioned services available in addition to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health team. Please see the wellbeing and self referral page for more information about how to access these services.

Additional information

For additional information to support parents:

Home: Healthier Together (

For more information about NHS, Local Authority and other services available for parents and children up to age 18 please visit:

Services and support for parents – NHS (